So, after my last blog I have had a look around and it really ISN'T HARD to find some quirky songs which could have been chosen as the 'alternative' to X-factor. So here we are with my alternative Christmas Charts!
1) Julian Casablancas - I Wish It Was Christmas Today
2) The Flaming Lips - Christmas at the Zoo
3) The Kinks - Father Christmas
4) The Eels - Everything's gonna be cool this Christmas
Why does that little old lady have to stand right where you need to go and why out of all the time and places in the world does she need to have a conversation right at that moment with Bernie about Eggs and how they "just aren't the same shape since Europe invaded us."
It makes you grump right?
And why, just when you have got to your Car, back on the Bus or wherever, why does somebody then decide they are desperate for that new pack of Sherbert, ooooh its the best yet! They need it, you are out so can you get it for them. And of couse this would be the same person who was ADAMANT they wanted nothing when you left the house some 20 minutes before...
That makes you grump... right?
These things make me Grump too and I want to write about them!!!!
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